Kirill Ginko

Name, age - Kirill, 22.
Where are you from - I live in San Francisco at the moment.
Main activity - Taking photos, rolling blunts.
Your favourite cam – Disposables, T4.
Point of shooting - I take pictures because when I'm walking around and I see something strange or interesting, I get this feeling like I need to take a picture. There's other forces working around us. It's magic, you know.
Influences - Hedonism, girls, Tarkovsky films, rap music.
A little about you- There's nothing better then finding an old roll of film, having forgot everything you shot on it and discovering gold.
Share your own projects - Right now I'm working on a photo zine called DREAM. The first issue is coming out now, check out the website

You could also visit Kirill's Flickr and there are his dreamy nymphs:

There is not much to say bout this one. This in my room where we play a lot of pacman and galaga. I think I'm getting over flash.

This is Julie in her old apartment. It was taken in the morning, which I think is the best time, light-wise to take photos.

I like this photo because it holds some mystery to me. Its like a through the looking glass kinda thing, where not knowing what is going on is actually more exciting than what is actually happening. There is a story to this one though, which I won't say.

This photo is from an adventure we took to the beach. You have to go through this wooded area to reach the beach which has all these thick trees and brush that look amazonian. I guess that's the magic in it.

This is a photo of a girl I know named Nina. I was drunk when I took this. I feel like that's when I get the best results.

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