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Andrea Sonnenberg

Name, age - My name is Andrea Sonnenberg and I am 21 years old.
Where are you from?- I was born and raised and am currently living in San Francisco, California.
Main activity - I'm all about taking pictures, skateboarding, bike riding, giving and receiving tattoos, doing graffiti, drinking beer, watching "Law and order" episodes (specifically SVU), and ganging up with my friends to mob the streets.
Your favourite cam –I've only really shot with a couple different point and shoots. Right now i'm using an Olympus Stylus and it treats me well. I just dropped it the other night and cracked it so now there's a light leak in the back but i think it works well for most of my pictures. I've been itching for a new camera but i'm broke so....
Why do you shoot? - I shoot photos because it's fun. I've been friends with the same people since I was 13 or 14 so it's great to see us all grow up together. I think it's important to document the people close to you, 'cause you never know when they could be gone.
A little about you - I'm a teen witch lady freak bad kid forever.
Share your own projects - Besides my Flickr i update on

Andrea is known as teenage WITCHERY. Her photos are awesome rad and rebel and it just perfectly shows teenage courage.


big kids frying on top of a limo

we took shrooms. got pretty weird

im thrashed

dogs living.